Coaching Articles
One Size Fit All Managers
By Paula Maddox
Are you a "one size fits all" manager? Do you treat all employees and staff persons the same? Find out how to make them feel valuable to your business
Your Greatest SuperPower!
By Paula Maddox
When was the last time you used your greatest superpower? Find out what it is and how it may benefit you in multiple ways.
Make Your Own Magic
By Becky Conway
Technology is filled with algorithms that determine what we should deem important. I argue that we need to make those decisions for ourselves.
Are You Flowing or Resisting?
By Paula Maddox
Let's face it...we can either flow down the mellow waters of the stream or we can fight the raging rapids and exhaust ourselves. Which do you prefer?
If You Aren't Shifting...You're In a Stuck Place
By Paula Maddox
Shifting may be uncomfortable, but it is a sign that we're changing & growing. Learn to be happy about your shift and thrive where you're planted.
How To Identify High Potential Employees
By Paula Maddox
Do you know how to identify employees within your organization? Are you considered a high potential employee, who delivers results? Find out more!
Decision Making: If Not a Fu*k Yes, Then Go With No
By Kaylee Houde
Looking for clarity and certainty? Have a big life decision to make? These three questions will help you determine if you are on the right path.
How Not To Break In A Broken World
By Amy McTear
We are traumatized by our own inhumanity right now. It’s hard to stay positive, but you can. You just need to implement proactive measures...
New Beginnings
Law of Attraction and Vision Boarding When you stop resisting and start allowing, everything changes.
Marine Corps Leadership Lessons
What leadership lessons does one of the world's most effective and adaptable fighting forces have to teach us?