Coaching Articles
Navigating Change as a Solo Entrepreneur
By Maggie Karshner
Change can be a scary thing, and yet it's necessary for a thriving business. How can we be sure we're making the right decision? Read on to find out.
Creating Solutions
By Teresa Silva
How can we shift our energy from fear based created problems to love based solutions?
Getting Un-Stuck
By Jane Weston
Many of my clients refer to being "stuck". That "deer-in-the-headlight" paralysis. What is being stuck and how can we reverse it?
Avoid the Best Practice Trap
By Ron McIntyre
Many times leaders look to Best Practices as a way to introduce change into their company. They feel this is a silver bullet that will solve problems.
Knowing Your Supplier and Your Direction of Distribution
By Christina Bergeron
A worksheet for clients who are unsure where to start with the supply & distribution aspect of their business. Provides starter questions for thought.
Tips for living the Law of Attraction
By Sylvia Lane
I was speaking to a friend the other day and we were discussing using the Law of Attraction principals as a means of directing your life. It made me
How to Deliver Critical Feedback Effectively
By Kate O'Sullivan
Hate giving critical feedback but realize you need to do so in order to be effective? These tips will help you deliver feedback that gets results.
Do Different to Be Different: The Promise of Life Coaching
By Jessica Minah
Life coach Jessica Minah explains how life coaching helps shift clients into a new way of being.
Follow Your Dream with a Back-Up Plan, or Two, or Three…
By Denise McCanles
Starting something new at midlife sounds scary and challenging, but it can also be exciting and transforming.