Juliann Calvey Hinsdale, Illinois
Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Spirituality Coach
Certified Life Coach, ICI, BS Biochemistry, Benedictine University, Lisle, IL, Certified Mind/Body Connection
Hinsdale, Illinois 60521
- Hourly Rate: $85 to $150 US Dollars
- Gender: Female
About Me
Are you stressed in your love relationship? From Your Self? Do you feel an increasing distance from your children or your spouse? Are you giving it your all - to all - and not getting your needs met? Do you find yourself trying to communicate with somebody important in your life and feel like you're hitting a brick wall? Do you have trouble communicating with co-workers, boss or employees? Do any of these things keep you up at night?
If you have answered YES to any of the above I can help you! I have a process in which we will partner together to find the source of any conflict and bring forth solutions which you will carry into all relationship issues whether it be in order to bring the spark back into your love relationships, compassionate communication between you and your children, siblings or co-workers. I want you to know that you CAN have it all once you restore balance into your life, and it starts right where you live, at home.
My clients consistently tell me that once they restore balance into their lives via their relationships they have time to themselves to pursue what truly makes them happy. They find things that sparks THEM and live the live they've always dreamed to live - a successful marriage, family, career and play time!
I was born to be a Life Coach. I was born into a family of 11 - the eldest daughter. My job was to take care of many and I developed an intuition for knowing what they needed before they did while still allowing my brothers and sisters to learn and grow into themselves. I found this fascinating as each of them was unique in their own way. I bring this into my coaching as I am truly curious about who you are and what insights come to you, as well as what solutions come to you. You carry them inside of you, I allow you to help guide us to them. I have always been told that I am a great listener - I don't cut people off as they speak and I consider all perspectives for the broadest view possible.
9 reviews (5.0)
I felt much lighter after my first session with Julie. I am 83 years old and have been working my entire life. I’ve had some recent falls and have broken both hips. This has forced me to slow down my life-style before I had intended. I was actually going into a bit of a depression. Julie has helped me tremendously in her compassionate yet non-over-bearing way. I have truly found things inside of me that I never knew existed. Things that I really want to do with the rest of my life that have awakened inside of me again.
Peter, retired engineer and entreprenuer, Hinsdale, IL
Julie has taken me from doubt to confidence in such a short time I am astounded with myself. Her laser sharp focus on ME and allowing me to be who I am has brought out in me what I have always wanted to be. I’ve wanted this my entire life and here I am doing it. I could not thank you more, Julie. I am so happy to be living my lifelong dream!
Gina, Animal Communicator, NJ
When I first started seeing Julie I could barely get off the floor. I literally didn’t know what to do with myself because I couldn’t care less about anything. I have had a 360 turn-around in a very short time since my sessions with Julie. I thought I would be in good shape if I could find a simple job but that wasn’t good enough for Julie :) We are going further, bigger, greater, as she knows, as I do, that I have much more to contribute to myself, to humanity, to my family, during this time around. five stars !
Sue, bank manager, Indiana
I had always had a bad time with relationships before I met with Julie. She guided me to find the destructive, yet necessary patterns that I needed to repeat until I could approach them in a new way. She gave me no answers. She asked powerful questions and I found new awarenesses and new answers within myself. This gave me choice. I had choice to take action that I never thought I had before. I feel in a place of Freedom I never had before.
Tony, retired, Indiana
I had been on a Spiritual Path my entire life and was waiting for a breakthrough. Nothing was happening. Then I found Julie. She knows the truth of herself and understands that the truth of herself is not the truth of me. She guided me to find the truth of me - this is what awakening is all about. Not a formula, not a meditation, finding the real truth within yourself. And that it always takes two. This not something you can do alone. After many years of sitting it took but a month of so for me to find the truth of myself.
Rina, Westmont, IL
I was in a bad relationship but didn't know what to do. I expected Julie to tell me what to do but she made it clear that I have all the answers inside of me and that she guide me to them. It seems mysterious but is it true. Her style of Life Coaching led me to my deepest truths and my deepest truths were not in alignment with my husband's. He was pulling me off Soul Path. Things just got worse and worse until I was able to approach him from my Heart Space, which Julie guided me to connect with. The rest went very well.
Janette, teacher, Texas
I have been on a Spiritual Path for many years but nothing real seemed to be happening, until I met Julie. She perceived in me the deepest Truth of who I am and guided me to find it in me and to live it in this lifetime. I am so confident in myself, where I used to be shy and even ashamed. My innate spiritual abilities for miracle healing have come forth and I use this wisely. I am proud of myself for the first time in my life and could not have done it without Julie's guidance.
Silvia, Germany
When I first met Julie I was under my husband's thumb. I thought I needed him in many ways, mostly for protection. Through Julie's guidance to find the answers in me, I found that I was fear-based. Coming out of this condition allowed me to find that my feelings of safety lie within me, not somebody else. I am in a state of Freedom!
Marzena, Teacher, Chicago Ridge, IL
Before working with Julie I was running on survival mode. My husband had been partially disabled my a car accident. I felt burdened with doing everything for everybody. Julie offered me a new perspective and it was like a lightbulb going off in my head. I got to work and my husband got off his butt, as did my kid. Julie allowed me to guide myself to finding ways to fill my free time with things that bring me joy. I have grown into my true self and am still growing. I feel like Julie is family to me.
Suzanna, Project Manager, Hawaii
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