Coaching Articles
On being Unstoppable
By Jessica Minah
Modern culture values the quality of being unstoppable. But is this characteristic really what is best for our relationships, bodies, and earth?
Life in Motion
By Anna-Marie Watson
Since the age of 18 yrs I have religiously moved every 2 years mainly through work choices. I draw lessons from my nomadic life to support my coaching
How Coachable are You?
By Anna-Marie Watson
The coachee is rightfully placed at the centre of coaching; then the concept of coach-ability with possibilities, perception &performance explored.
Coaches, Coaches, Everywhere
By Anna-Marie Watson
Reflections and observations on my bumpy exploration of the coaching market in SW England that mirror greater challenges the coaching community faces.
Devastating Loss Can't Stop You!
By Frederica Peterson
In the midst of devastating loss or unwanted transition the pain and disappointment can feel insurmountable but your best days are ahead of you.
Would You Ever Stay in an Abusive Relationship for Money?
By Frederica Peterson
Strong question that requires some consideration as countless professionals face this challenge in the workplace.
The Value Proposition
By Frederica Peterson
What is the value you place on your ideas, dreams and goals? Accountability is the key to turning your possibilities into realities!
Ignite Joy Inside-Out
By Akanksha Vir
Where do you find joy for yourself. Can you discover peace, success and happiness all together. Read to find out.
Awareness vs. Conditioning
By Anna Kadura
This article discusses the power that awareness endows an individual with. The power of choice.
So, What Are These Things Called “Soft Skills”?
Soft skills are personal characteristics that allow us to effectively relate to others. Applying these skills helps us build stronger work relationshi