Posted on July 15, 2016 by Reshmma Gulati, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Are you clueless about why you are stuck in life or why you can't make money easily where others can..........
Belief is a very simple word. However it holds very deep meaning. It is so subjective that each person has their own definition to it.
I was too ignorant about this word few years ago….however when I set out on the “Journey of Healing my mind and body”, this was referred to by my master healers and I also kept reading about them very often in all the self-help books. After experiencing this beautiful transformation in my life I have realised the true meaning of belief when it comes to healing your mind and body. It took me a long time to accept as to how my belief levels had created patterns in my mind and in turn my life was being guided by these belief systems. As my awareness increased about myself, everything fell into place. I was enlightened like the great Buddha!!. Today, I would like to share how and why our beliefs create all the good and bad experiences in our life. I would not like to call them bad experiences, rather let’s call them our learning process. We learn from every experience and situation created in our life. Coming to Belief…..where do we get these from?? Well, we get these firstly from our parents, then our relatives, our neighbours, friends, teachers, Television, Society and so on and so forth…the list is unlimited. However, how does it affect us?? Whatever we keep hearing repetitively, it generates a strong thought process and then in turn we experience our thoughts getting converted into our inner belief system. Now this belief system slowly and gradually starts taking control over us, unknowingly. We must appreciate that our mind is genius machine,just like a super computer. Similar to computer, it keeps processing our entire data, and the files which you think or refer to all the time are kept in you immediate folder. For example, It creates a sense of fear, insecurity, resentment, jealousy, anxiety, happiness, sadness and hatred.
If you hate something…you will notice same things will keep appearing before you all the time. If you forget to buy ticket of your bus or train you are scared that you will get caught….and what happens next? You invariably see the ticket master right in front of you asking for your ticket. Why is that so???. It is because you gave so much energy to your thoughts about that situation… it’s your belief that “you will get caught which was so strong…and you get soon after”. When we are young children, maybe less than year old, our mind is yet to form a belief system. We simply start following our parents; we pick up their eating habits, behaviour, manners, the do’s and don’ts, money consciousness, saving habits, shopping, etc. So our belief system is the culmination of all that we have learnt so far in our life.
I will share another example to relate to what I am saying…..As a parent if we are worried about our child’s health and keep wishing they should not fall ill…..and there you will definitely see that your child is falling ill often. When we get insecure about our relationships ….they get bitter and sometimes end in separations too. It’s our belief that we carry on in our life which reflects and manifests into reality. These beliefs and our unpleasant experiences then start affecting us on a molecular level and we experience different illnesses. Ironically, we then blame it on ageing, stress, environment, etc. I have noticed that there is a strong belief amongst us that during ageing we will certainly contract few ailments like blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol ….. Now this belief is so strong that it gets easily accepted….
Another strong belief is about Money….. we keep hearing from our parents, elders or friends that Money is not important in life, money brings in lots of negativity, money cannot buy you happiness, money is not everything etc. I would ask you to observe these statements deeply. As this strong belief about Money will always bring in negativity & misery, there will always scarcity of money, even if you earn well …you will live in fear of losing all the money, you may end up getting into have wrong deals which end up in losing your money. But if you reverse this Belief you will find you are enjoying your money and helping others with it as well.
When I accepted “why” my life was unhappy and had so many physical issues in my life, I realized that the remote trigger for such thoughts was my wrong Belief system. I started writing down objectively about this and my attitude in the context of relationships, Money, knowledge, parenting, learning, health & wellness, profession, etc and kept reading and practising to change my belief system. Changing our belief system is a simple task….it just needs constant repetitive practice…..however before practice you need to take responsibility and accept that everything that you are going through today is basically YOUR responsibility. Blame no one, just accept, that you had attracted this upon your life…..dig the belief , release it, work on it reprogram it……. AND SEE THE SUCCESS FOLLOW YOU IN EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE…….
YOUR BELIEF…create your doorway to happiness!!