Coaching Articles
The Need for Mindfulness in Our Daily Lives
By Annette Jones
How to bring more mindfulness into your life.
Richard Branson's 10-Step Plan for Achieving All Your Goals
By Janaki Bakshi
Resolutions don't work, but this simple but powerful process just might.
Create More Joy by Giving to Others
By Gemma Nastasi
There are simple things that we can do to increase our happiness. This story is about giving the gift of joy by giving and receiving.
Cultivating Your Sales Approach
By Virginia Jimenez
Building a relationship and effectively communicating are keys to success!
How to set work-life balance goals you’ll actually achieve and keep doing
By Erin Acton
Many of us set goals, intentions and resolutions to create more work-life balance. But what does that mean? Read on for more.
The Body, Soul and Spirit Connection
By Jeeva and Sulojana Sam
Many people behave as though they were simply physical beings with a soul and no more. To ignore your spirit is to invite disaster.
Lose the Weights and Win the Race
By Jeeva and Sulojana Sam
Carrying unresolved past hurts is like running a race with weights around your ankles. You simply cannot expect to win!
Go Outside of Yourself for Help with Inside Problems
By Jeeva and Sulojana Sam
When you have a problem and cannot figure out a solution, your best option is to seek outside help, such as a coach or a mentor.
Productive, efficient or effective?
By Guy Ardito
Forget about "how much" you're getting done! Focus on what advances your goals and how you can be better at that.
Why you *SHOULDN'T* do what you want!
By Guy Ardito
Unconventional coaching to help you grow sales and thrive!