Coaching Articles
Overworked and Underpaid - The Bane of the Entrepreneur
By Jeff Schuster
New business owners find themselves in a trap of working too many hours for little pay. Most either quit or go broke. It doesn't have to be this way!
The Dream Disconnect
By Jeff Schuster
Why is it that we often are disappointed with our achievements in life; or are depressed when we feel like we cannot achieve what we want in life?
Why are you STUCK?
By Jeff Schuster
Have you ever been stuck, but didn't know why? Most people go along fine in life until life challenges them in some way. Get unstuck and start living!
How Can You Leverage Your Natural Personality?
By Jeff Schuster
If you want to create high-performing diverse business teams, you need to be able to understand strengths and weaknesses of various personality types.
How I KNOW Nothing's Wrong with Your Business
By Jeff Schuster
Stop asking, "What's Wrong?" Your business is right where it is supposed to be. You just need to make more conscious decisions to move forward.
Selling is NOT the same as Marketing
By Jeff Schuster
Selling can be scary for many small business owners. But successful sales is a necessity to running a successful business of any size.
Market Research... it's about the Questions!
By Jeff Schuster
The top reason that most businesses fail is that they don't create a product or service their customers want. It pays to do simple market research.
Profit is NOT an Ugly Word!
By Jeff Schuster
Profit means different things to different people. A business owner's relationship with money is the one thing that can impact their success the most.
Keep Business Expenses LOW!
By Jeff Schuster
Some small business owners go overboard in excess expenses and sink their company before it's had a chance to sail.
As Simple As this Sounds; You Need to Charge More than You Spend
By Jeff Schuster
Ironically, most small businesses spend more than they charge their customers. In order to survive you must make a profit.