Coaching Articles
How Can You Earn More Revenue without Spending More Time?
By Jeff Schuster
Getting paid for your time can be limiting. If you decide to run a business on your own as a consultant, you will quickly hit a revenue ceiling.
How to Calculate Your Hourly Rates
By Jeff Schuster
Most small businesses provide a service where they charge by the hour. Unfortunately, many new small business owners under charge.
Revenues, Direct Costs and Expenses... Oh My!
By Jeff Schuster
The first step in starting a small business is to do the math. In order for you to survive as a business owner, you must be able to make money.
So, You Want to Start a Small business!
By Jeff Schuster
So, you've had it with your boss; you've had it with your co-workers; and you feel like you could do much better on your own.
The Gift of Anxiety
By Aaron Dutil
Anxiety is demonized in modern society but it carries certain benefits from those who have it, if you are willing to listen.
You’ve been searching for a career all wrong: don’t follow your passion
By Richard Hutton
From doing what your parents did, to going to high paid jobs, to finding your passion. It's time for the next step, because now we know better.
The Truth About Building Positive Currency
By Justin Jensen
Everyone has the potential to build up their resiliency by way of positive currency. The question is, are YOU doing it?
When to, and not to use positive affirmations
By Richard Hutton
Positive affirmations are the classics of personal development. In recent times however newer methods were developed that work far, far better.
The best way I know to maintain a world class diet
By Richard Hutton
Richard Hutton shares a simple trick to automate your peak performance diet. Make it so simple and so effective, that you succeed effortlessly.
How I achieved a 10 year goal in 6 months using NLP
By Richard Hutton
This is the story of how I escaped the boundaries of the problem I created. You cannot solve a problem at the level of thinking you've created it.