Lose Weight Stay in Shape Optimize your Energy
Posted on February 11, 2017 by Gordana Traycoff, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
Did you know to lose weight you have to eat? Food is not our enemy but our best friend it helps sustain our body, mind and soul healthy and happy.
Lose weight, stay in shape and optimize your energy it is all in one. When loosing weight your body shape will be defined more and more as you go through the process and your energy will sky racket automatically. The biggest challenge in loosing weight is not having a clear vision of how do you want to look as your future self such as how thin, what is your health status, and a lifestyle you desire? Second and very important what are the obstacles you are facing for achieving your goal? Are you emotionally eating? This is the case for most, without even realizing you have already finished a bag of chips after your healthy dinner. Be aware of what are you doing in a present time, feel the things that are in your hands listen to the opening of the bag of chips, feel the texture in your mouth, ask yourself “what am I eating?” Be aware! When you are stressed it is normal to ask for food as food puts you temporarily in a comfort zone. But there is a way to eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of food full of sugar and sodium. One way is to be aware of what you are grabbing to eat when stressed and the other is change your taste buds. Changing your taste buds it is very easy just allow some time. This is what you do: When you crave chips have some fresh fruit on you table as well something that you don’t even like such as carrots for an example. Take a bite of your favorite chips and after a bite of carrots. Do this every day for two weeks and your taste buds will change from chips to carrots. This is true for many other fresh fruits and vegetables you want to introduce to your eating habits. Eliminating the foods that are no good for your body, mind and soul is the very first step to your success. Next time we will talk about healthy choice of eating as a lifestyle not a diet.
Talk to you soon