Coaching Articles
Break The Pattern Of Failure In Your Life
By Aimee Montgomery
Have you ever been in a situation in life where you really believed that you would succeed at something and you failed?
Guard Your Thoughts - Achieve Your Goals
By Eileen Rainier
Many resolutions for positive change are made each year, but negative beliefs can derail the plans if tools are not implemented to guard against them.
By Eileen Rainier
Mindsets can be described as Fixed, or Growth - Fixed can become Growth and making that Change can bring Positive, Life-altering Results.
Will they become the “Unplugged” Generation?
By Eileen Rainier
Generation Y abundantly posts pictures of their activities on social media - as a result, their children may choose to be more private, "Unplugged"
5 Reasons to Love Valentine’s Day – Even if You Are Single
Don't feel sorry for yourself if you are alone on Valentine's Day. Embrace it! You will be glad you did...
Lose Weight Stay in Shape Optimize your Energy
By Gordana Traycoff
Did you know to lose weight you have to eat? Food is not our enemy but our best friend it helps sustain our body, mind and soul healthy and happy.
My Manifesto for the Exhausted
By Lynne McLean Brown
This is all about my journey to become a life coach and why I feel passionate about taking care of yourself and having a good work-life balance.
Who needs a coach? The Successful Leader or the Aspiring One?
By Joseph Prabhakar
How do you decide if you need a coach? After you succeed in your career? Or while you are still aspiring? While you are winning? Or when stalling?
Making a Career Choice
By SKG Kartha
People usually make salary the criteria in job search which may not be the right approach
By Adrienne Oneto
New Year's resolutions are appealing because we can decide what we want to change. A stated resolution can be a small symptom of a much larger problem