Coaching Articles
Mentorship and Coaching: the Breakthrough Key for Up-and-Coming Women Leaders
By Mina Brown
Successful companies have learned to harness female brainpower with mentorship and coaching for women leaders. And leaders have learned they need it.
What to do When You are Feeling Too Depressed to Get Out of Bed
Is bed your favorite place these days, and not for good reason?
5 Low Cost Marketing Tactics
When looking for marketing tactics for your business we always recommend putting your consumers needs first. You must do market research, get consumer
Presence - Your Personal Brand
By Martina Payette
Research shows..we make unconscious and conscious assessment in a few seconds. What reputation and personal brand are you building with your presence?
Music Is Therapy
By Anne Sabagh
This article talks about the correlation of music and positive mental health. What music have you found therapeutic throughout your life?
Tracy Anne Scott - Business, Relationships & Life Strategist
Your Life Your Design
Resentment: The Bitter Indignation At Having Been Treated Unfairly
By Graham Kean
Do you resent your boss, a work colleague, a family member or a friend because you have been forced to accept or do something you don't agree with?