Coaching Articles
Your resume - too often overlooked. Three things to do while writing it.
By George Miller
Your resume is yours, and you are you.
You are a bigger deal than you are used to noticing.
By George Miller
You are power. So, what are you going to do about it?
Learn to Speak to Your Subconscious Mind
By George Miller
So, this is totally terrifying…. and there is emerging research that sheds insight into how to direct your subconscious mind.
Change: What's Your Style?
By Natacha Le Norgant
There are 3 main styles when it comes to Change and adapting to it. We each change at different rates and in different ways so what works for you?
“Being Stuck in a Rut”
Dr AlRoy advised author Ferva Chevel Khalfan how to know our you are in a rut and how to get out of it. (Published by in 2019)
How To Restart Your Stalled Engine
By Derick Gant
It’s a real thing not knowing where to start when you are lost or feeling stuck. Age doesn’t matter either. Just read on to get the key!
What would you like to shift or change? Strengths based coaching assistance
Gallup says the most effective way to develop and empower people is to help them use their strengths
Now listen to that inner voice – discover what you love to do
Your authentic self should lead you to something you are really attracted to do and makes you feel strong. Lean into the energy!
Who Do You Think You Are? (And why the answer can change EVERYTHING)
Puzzled over why it is you seem to repeat painful habits or find yourself in the same painful situations? Who you think you are could unlock it all.