Coaching Articles
You Alone are Enough
By Gabrielle Rose
An excerpt from my blog, these words offer a perspective on worthiness, a concept I often end up exploring with clients.
Procrastination - The Bitter Enemy of Achievement
By Sharon Schierling
Do you suffer from procrastination. Many people do, so how do you overcome it, to build the life you want?
Goal Setting - How it Really Works
By Sharon Schierling
Everyone makes setting goals so mysterious, it really isn't. The mystery comes in the achieving. Setting is easy.
The Grass Is Not Greener—Love the Life You Have
By Mark Strong
Regardless of choices that people have made, we all have the tendency from time to time to doubt our direction.
Can Going Backward Move You Forward?
By Mark Strong
I life we’ll encounter setbacks that may temporarily impede our perceived forward trajectory.
Getting Healthier Mentally
By Mark Strong
To be mentally healthy, you must actually work on cultivating positive mental habits rather than merely avoiding negative ones.
Getting Healthier Emotionally
By Mark Strong
Emotional health encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Getting Healthier: What Do You Need to Do for You?
By Mark Strong
Life coaching is about getting healthier—emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually—in whatever way that means for you.
Walking the Tightrope: Finding the Right Work/Life Balance
By Mark Strong
Tips on finding the right balance between work and your personal life.