Creating Something from Nothing
Posted on March 07, 2012 by Maggie Steele, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
Stop making excuses and star living the life you want to live.
Although we all have dreams and aspirations, the idea of creating something from nothing may leave us feeling utterly confused and completely inept. You might suddenly feel anxious due to the countless possibilities, or equally petrified that starting from nothing will be a thankless, insurmountable task. As exciting as it may sound to build your dreams and shape your life into what you want, the truth is that many people will not even try.
Creating something from nothing does not need to be a frightening experience. In fact, it can actually be exhilarating and a lot of fun! Start out with a blank piece of paper (maybe even choose a colored piece of paper that makes you happy). Get some markers and start writing out some things that you would have or do in your ideal life. Let go of judgments if they pop up. Be wary of thoughts like, “Yeah, but that’s not realistic,” or “There’s no way I could ever..” Let yourself go crazy and allow your heart to speak. Be honest with yourself and write down exactly what you would have or do in your ideal life.
Once you’ve covered the paper with all of these fabulous parts of your ideal life, look at them and decide which ones can be accomplished in the coming year. Which of these can you have by December 2012?
Get out another piece of paper and write down one of the things you will have or do by the end of 2012. Look at it and visualize your life with this item or activity in your life. How do you feel? What would be possible? Write down some adjectives next to the goal that describe how you feel when this dream has been realized. Underneath the goal, write down what you can do today to kick-start this dream. Next, write down what you can do tomorrow.
For example, if your dream is to be a teacher, you would then write some adjectives that describe how you would feel if you were, in fact, a teacher. Fulfilled, stoked, relieved, useful, grateful.
What can I do today? I can look up after school programs in need of instructors in my city.
What can I do tomorrow? I can look into university programs online so that I can get my bachelor’s degree in education.
When it comes to creating something from nothing, it is easy to hear the voice of fear and allow it to determine our life path for us. Excuses come up that seem far too real to ignore. “I have no experience.” “I’m too old.” “It would take too long.” “Nobody I know has ever done that.” The voice bellows in our ears and keeps us from realizing our dreams.
Although it may seem difficult at first, push these thoughts aside and focus on the simple task at hand. Put all of your attention on the one thing that you resolved to do today and make that your sole mission. Give it everything you’ve got. After you have accomplished the goal of the day, give yourself a high five, tell someone what you’ve done, and bring your attention to the excuse again.
Hear the words clearly so that you can write them down. What is it that is keeping you from achieving this dream? What is one of the main excuses that keeps you from being fulfilled? Get a separate piece of paper and write out the excuse word for word. Look at it. Really take in the words on the page. Once you have done that, rewrite the excuse and change it into an affirmation. For example, if the excuse is something like, “I don’t have enough money to pursue my dream.” Change it to something like, “I trust that money will come as I stay true to my heart and pursue my dreams.”
This might seem scary at first, for you are walking into unknown territory. You have always listened to this voice and obeyed its every command. This time, you are ignoring it and in doing so, taking a path never traveled before. What will happen? Will I fail? New fears and new excuses are bound to come up. Focus on the feeling associated with having your dream and exchange each new excuse with a positive affirmation.
Creating something from nothing does not have to be overwhelming. It can actually be quite an invigorating and thrilling experience! Life goes by quickly. If you risk nothing and succumb to your inner fear, letting all of your excuses lead the way, there is a very real possibility that you will live to regret it. Instead, embrace the idea of a blank canvas, play with the different colors, and paint the life you dream of!
Copyright © 2012 by Maggie Steele