Coaching Articles
Money Mindset Doesn't Work
By Katherine Jupiter
Money mindset is b.s. Yes, You heard it here first. Want to know how? Read on...
How to Create Positive Change in Your Life or Your Career
By Julie Jones Hamilton
Sometimes change can be challenging, but what if it could be easy? Learning the 3-Tips to letting go when everything inside screams, “NO, don't do it"
Seven Leadership Strategies that Improve Engagement
By Mina Brown
Engagement & retention is a top challenge today. Here are 7 leadership strategies that will radically improve the stickiness factors for “A” players.
That Still, Small Voice
By Daniel Brown
Listening to our intuition is more important than obeying the "Voice of Authority".
What's Wrong with You? What's Right with You?
By Daniel Brown
What might appear to others as a personal liability can instead be a source of strength.
15 great places to discover and explore inspiration, courage and motivation!
By Joshua Lissauer
Through coaching you’ll enjoy our brainstorming, discovery and exploration sessions. We’ll discover and wonderfully design action plans that provide
Resolve Versus Resolutions: 4 Steps to Better Business Results
By Joel Lund
People are great at making resolutions. Getting results? Well, not so much. Why is that? Take a peek at what gets in our way, and how to overcome.
The Coaching Model: Discover, Debrief, Design and Develop
By Iva Wilson
The basic idea behind this coaching model is an outgrowth of the quality process first presented by Deming.
Lost in the Land of Business Chaos?
By Joel Lund
In the daily challenges of growing a business, we often lose touch with our goals, what our motivation is built on, even our core values. Then what?
Climbing the Stairs - To What?
By Drew Lichtenberger
How is society preparing a young generation for the real world?