Coaching Articles
Redefining Failure
By Debra Payne
Let's redefine failure and examine the possibilities that lie within the experience of this word...
Simple Solution: Bag, Barter, Better
By Sara Weeks
To Do Lists can feel overwhelming and crazy making! Simplify them and create more positive energy around them using the 3Bs: Bag, Barter, Better.
All I Do Is Win, or Do I?
By Chris Cooper
Tips from Oprah, Michael Jordan, Colonel Sanders and Norman Vincent Peale that changed my life that I know can change yours too!
Take care of yourself for top performance.
By Adrian Wild
The difficulty in trying to achieve too much.
The Effects of Food Coloring on Hyperactivity
By Ally Martin
Mounting research suggests artificial food coloring is associated with hyperactivity.
The Luck Of The Irish Can Be Yours
By Michelle Lee
Learn To Depend On Yourself For Opportunities And For Better Health.
Are you just another healer? Or are you a successful entrepreneur who transforms
By Michael Mapes
Anytime you’re not leading with what makes you YOU and what makes your business unique you’re selling yourself short.
How we limit ourselves: Are you afraid of charging what you're worth?
By Susie Briscoe
How childhood experiences can still linger long into adulthood, and catch us unawares... see if you relate to this and discover how you can change.
How Strong Leaders Develop Effective Decision Makers
By Stefanie McGary
For some, decision making isn’t something that comes naturally. But with the right coaches, it can be developed into an important leadership strength.