Coaching Articles
The Diminishing Law of Ethnicity
Try Hard. You cannot preserve Ethnicity as a pickle in this century. It can exist no more than a flavouring.
Staying Alive. Online.
Being online is not a pleasure. Nor is it fun, frolic or trivial. It is necessary, beneficial, and, it is real.
Leaders Don’t Dominate
The Devil in us wants to dominate as by dominating it believes you will stay firm forever. Wouldn't you also get grounded then?
5 Tips to improve Your Work / Life Balance
By Armando Hung
Finding the right balance between work and life can be a difficult task to master. But by following a few key tips you can be on your way in no time.
3 Keys to navigating the detours in your life
By Beverly Kimotho
Life is by no means a smooth ride or a straight path! The sooner we realize this and plan for this, the faster we can bounce forward! Here are 3 keys
I Will Be Happy When...
I see it all the time. People are wishing their lives away. They say they will be happy when they retire, when they good relationships and health.
4 Ways to Lose Weight this Year Without Going on a Diet
By Kali Patrick
We know that few diets are successful, especially long-term. But if you're looking to lose weight, what else do you do? Here are 4 useful tips.
My Personal Transition Story
By Robert Foley
My Transition from Corporate Life to my Second Act. A Boomer to Millennial Success story!!!!