Coaching Articles
When it is getting out, not in, hold your ground...
By Nermine N
When emotions are doors about to open a new reality
Considering A New Job
By Joseph Petraglia
Recognizing the right time to consider a new job or career change is an important first step in considering a new job.
Help for Gen Z - The "always been connected" generation
By Brooke Baker
This article is about how to navigate the challenges that this generation is facing as they transition from college to adulthood.
The Hottest Gift This Holiday Season!
Your Presence is the most prized gift you can give!
Just Be Quiet!
By Paula Conkey
Have you ever sat in silence while waiting for someone to finish his or her thought? Are you actively listening?
Transition to self-expression
By Paula Conkey
Are you seeking self-expression? What would it be like if you were self-expressed?
Why Practice Deep Breathing?
Comparing what might change if we practice deep breathing with examples
10 Important questions to ask before making a career change
By Samuel Yeo
Career transitions can be difficult. It’s not easy changing jobs, being relocated or jumping into something new.
Old paradigm "Hero, Victim, Hangman"...
By Nermine N
What lies behind a hero, the energy of lack versus the new paradigm and the energy of alignment and true love
5 Steps To Improve How You Present Yourself
By Veronica Mesuraca
5 steps to improve how you present yourself so you can make a great first impression, grow your network, attract your ideal clients or land a job