Coaching Articles
Cómo entender por qué no estás contento en el trabajo y cómo cambiar
By Fulvia Sechi
En este breve artículo, te mostraré una forma de averiguar las razones de tus insatisfacciones laborales y cómo elegir una carrera que te haga feliz.
How to understand why you are unhappy at work and how to make a career change
By Fulvia Sechi
In this short article, I’ll show you a way to figure out the reasons behind your job dissatisfactions and how to choose a career which makes you happy
How Business Leaders Can Call Up the Sacred during Their Workday
By Rhonda Pfaltzgraff-Carlson
Many leaders find that merely intending to integrate spirituality into the workday is not enough. I offer ten ideas below to help you create a habit.
The Power Faith and Spirituality for Constructing a Positive Culture
By Rhonda Pfaltzgraff-Carlson
Faith and spirituality become even stronger forces for good when they are integrated into an organization's culture. Read how love changed the world.
The Necessity of Spiritual Leadership for Healthcare
By Rhonda Pfaltzgraff-Carlson
Spiritual leadership is an antidote for burnout, it's especially needed in healthcare where the daily demands for compassionate care are high.
A Refreshing Spirit: Living Love in the Workplace
By Rhonda Pfaltzgraff-Carlson
A couple stories of empathic leaders whose organizational cultures supported them in 'breaking the rules' so they could act out of love.
Working through Grief in the Workplace
By Rhonda Pfaltzgraff-Carlson
Conventional culture teaches us to dismiss grief, but faith traditions encourage us to have compassion, patience and hope for those who are grieving.
You Might be Missing These!
By Shmuel Brody
Structure and accountability may be the difference between underachievement and high performance.
What Do I Really Need? Healing? or Direction?
By james falcon
This article addresses the question: do you need a therapist or a life coach?
How to Make Peace with Letting Go of Someone Who Left You
Making peace will help you move on...I promise