Coaching Articles
Results Matter ~ Pandemic cannot be an Xcuse
By Suresh Babu
Pandemic brings along 2 packets always, 1.Xtreme 'Challenges' & 2.Xtreme 'Opportunities'. As a Coach, I challenge you to decide ONE, as Results Matter
Two Ways to Overcome the Fear of Change
By Jennifer Hoffman
Most humans seek comfort and routine over change. So anything outside the cozy comfort zone we create for ourselves is viewed as a threat by our brain
7 Ways to Boost Your Confidence
By Jennifer Hoffman
Having confidence is important for our general well-being. Self-confidence can impact all areas of life from work to sex to relationships with others.
Overcoming Self-Doubt. The 4 Hs That Get in the Way
By Jennifer Hoffman
If we define confidence as the willingness to try, then we know that building our confidence comes from taking action.
10 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser
By Jennifer Hoffman
People pleasers tend to do whatever they can for others. They want to be liked.
Quickly Grow Your Creative Business with this 5-Minute Daily Routine.
By Linsi Brownson
To conquer your goals and start making more powerful decisions in your business, all you need to do is set aside 5 minutes at the end of your day.
How to achieve an impossible goal.
By Linsi Brownson
Aiming for impossible goals boosts our confidence because it reminds us that we are capable of a lot more than surviving.
How to overcome perfectionism in your business.
By Linsi Brownson
“In the desire to do the right thing, we often do nothing.” — Linsi Brownson
4 Steps to get Hard Things Done
If you are feeling stuck, here are 4 steps to help you navigate how to move forward to get things accomplished.
Shake it off, Shake it off
By Lois Lavrisa
"But I keep cruising, can’t stop, won’t stop moving. It’s like I got this music in my mind saying it’s gonna be alright…"