Coaching Articles
“Many Occupations, master at none...”
By Irene Anderson
How the words we choose on our business cards, resumes and the words we speak define how we are perceived by others.
New York Life Coach-Inner Beauty
By Cynthia De Pecol
Achieve inner beauty and you will radiate outer beauty.
Introvert Pride? Introversion Demystified
By Victoria Raphael
Introversion is a personality type and a STRENGTH. Intoverts have unique gifts needed to balance out our over-extroverted world.
Perfectionism – A Habit Worth Breaking
By Suzanne Ferguson
Perfectionism, like any habit can be broken. Breaking the habit takes awareness, aligning your unconscious conscious beliefs and action.
Introverts Among Us.....SSShh, We're Trying To Think
By Victoria Raphael
Introverts are not necessarily shy, retiring types. Introversion is a personality type made of people who recharge their energy by going within.
Using Your Relationships As a Tool for Personal Growth
By Suzanne Ferguson
Are you ready to stop playing the blame game? Well, roll up your sleeves ‘cause it ain’t easy...but the rewards are huge!
YOUR Successes & YOUR Failures – The Common Denominator is YOU
By Suzanne Ferguson
Not getting the results you want? Do something different. And when great goals and a solid action plan don’t get you there - change your mind!
Impact the World By Being an Evolutionary Leader
By Suzanne Ferguson
Being an evolutionary leader is a conscious choice and it takes clarity, commitment and the desire to evolve. What kind of leader are you?
Choose the Path of the Evolutionary Leader
By Suzanne Ferguson
What will you do to be the best you? The path of the evolutionary leader requires you to build your soft skills. Choose to begin now.
How a Life Coach Can Help You Master Living with ADD/ADHD
By Valerie Banarie
Living with ADD/ADHD can be very challenging. Hiring a Life Coach that specializes in this area can be the best thing you could do for yourself.