Keeping Your Word!
Posted on December 27, 2011 by Corinne Valentine, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Hold yourself accountable.
Do you make promises to yourself or to others that you never keep? Do you leave people waiting because your always late? How many times have you made the same New Years Eve Resolution and never kept it?
Piles of broken promises and never-ending I’ll do it tomorrows.
THIS WEEKS QUESTION: How to we stick to our word?
Too often do we just say what comes out of our mouths before we even think about it. Someone asks us to do something, we just say YES. Only to later realize your plate is already full. Someone asks you to be somewhere at a certain time, you say YES. Only to realize you squeezed too much into your day and you will be late to everything.
Most of us have full schedules these days. Work, School, Kids, Housework, Appointments and sometimes we keep yesing ourselves into more. Being Honest with yourself is showing how much you value yourself. So before you say tomorrow I will do A, B, C and D. Really think about it and be sure you have the time, space and energy to get it done. If you know that you can only do A and B, then just do A and B. Also, being honest with others, shows them how much you value them. When you tell your kids this weekend we will do this, I will spend time with you tonight. Yet, you are always saying sorry next time. Also canceling social dates with family friends, spouses? VALUE YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Only commit with what you can do. Two quality hours with your kids is so much better than 3 broken playdates. The same goes for your other family and friends. If you stop over booking yourself you don’t get to be hard on yourself for all the things you didn’t get done.
When you know you are about to say no to something you already said you do, push through it and do it anyway. Tell yourself I value myself and the results I get in my life so I will finish my checklist. Make others feel good about how important they are to you when you show up on time, stick to your play dates and intimate dinners. Practice, Practice, Practice keeping your WORD!
WEEKLY TIP: Stop and think before you say yes to something. Don’t overbook. Remember Quality not quantity.