Coaching Articles
A case for Healing, Consciousness and the Hero’s Journey
By Carrie Katz
We can choose to experience our present, forgive our past, and transform our future. Comparing Ken Wilber and the Hoffman Process: A case for Healing
Why is Everything I Touch Turning to _____ ?
By Stephen Clarke
From time to time people can develop self-destructive behaviors that work against everything we do. Here are some thoughts.
Perceptions of Leaders - A Strategy for Success
By Stephen Clarke
What perceptions do people have of you? Are you happy with those perceptions? If not, here's what you can do.
Can Society Judgements Increase the Individual's Shadow?
By Piercarla Garusi
I have been watching recently the very powerful new movie from Debbie Ford with Debbie Ford, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and many others ...
Are We Happier Today?
By Piercarla Garusi
I am sure you would agree that people would like to be happy, but are we happy? Are we happier today? If not, why? What is preventing it?
SWOT Analysis For Professional and Personal Growth
By Glenn Turner
SWOT Analysis is a technique used for many years in the buisness community with great success. Here we will illustrate its usefulness for individuals.
*Heat up your creative process! *
By d e
Heat up your creative process! Originally published in "Creativity Calling" The Newsletter of the Creativity Coaching Association July, 2011
Walking the Tightrope: Finding the Right Work/Life Balance
By Mark Strong
Learn some tips to make balancing life and work more manageable.
To respond or to react, that's the question.
By Pam Thomas
Think about the last time you were involved in a discussion or argument where you reacted. How did you show up in that exchange? Prickly? Angry?