Coaching Articles
Outta da Funk...Into The Fab!
By Rick Clemons
4 Fab Steps For Getting The Funk Junk Outta Your Life!
By Sheryl Westergreen
Why it is important to train your brain to detect and recognize opportunities that may further your business and personal goals and intentions.
A Good Time To Make Changes: Have You Done Your Life Plan Yet
By Steffi Black
The importance of making a life plan when you want to make pro-active changes for your life and career!
How to Motivate Your Teen
By Jenny Lewis
Your teen's lack of motivation may have less to do with laziness and more to do with feeling confused and overwhelmed about the future.
The History of Affirmations
By Jenny Lewis
This article explains how the practice of using affirmations to achieve goals arose and how they are used in coaching today.
Expect Respect-Signs of a Healthy Relationship
By Dan Becco
A quick list of things in a good relationship.
Get the Most from a Coach, Part 2
By Marv Zauderer
This is an article I wrote for cyclists about working with a coach, but it applies equally well to working with an executive coach.