Coaching Articles
Lead Like an Egyptian
By John Davis
History Shows that leadership begins with fellowship. If you engage their purpose you empower their potential.
What are you doing Right Now?
By John Davis
Focused action creates results. This article gives practical advise on taking action.
Self Doubt: The anchor that holds you back from your potential.
By John Davis
Over coming Self Doubt so you can achieve greatness.
Addiction the Search for a Feeling
By John Davis
Find the Root cause of any addiction and break through the barriers that held you there.
With My Luck I am Not a Turnip
By John Davis
The words we use are a product of our subconscious belief. Your Beliefs are what you are creating in your world. Change your Words, Change your world.
Transcending Fear and Doubt
By Yol Swan
When you make a decision, your own fears and doubts show up to deter you from moving forward. How do you recognize and overcome them?
How Giving and Getting Support Leads To Success
By Beate Chelette
You may think you can handle everything yourself, but what’s wrong with a little help now and then?
To fail and yet not "be" a failure
By Priyanka Bhatia-Mahendru
Treat failure like a verb, which is something “we do”. Don’t treat it like a noun, which is something “we are”. “ I failed” versus “I am a failure”