Coaching Articles
More Than Just Beauty Sleep
By Lynda Buitrago
While it’s fairly well known that our brains need sleep, you might not know that your entire body needs downtime for maintenance at night.
Leaky Gut and Leaky Brain
By Lynda Buitrago
Leaky gut plays a role in brain issues, including depression and brain fog.
Stress and Your Gut (Part 2)
By Lynda Buitrago
What is "leaky gut"? Stress can affect your digestion, but that’s just the beginning of the story of what stress can do to your intestines.
Stress and Your Gut (Part 1)
By Lynda Buitrago
Learn how your adrenal healh affects your digestion and your gastrointestinal health.
Stress and Your Energy
By Lynda Buitrago
Are you a stressed-out mess? Unable to think without coffee? Your bad attitude and fatigue may not be your fault - it may be your stress hormones.
Do Your Values Match Your Work Life?
By Susanne Kahle Keene
Values represent your highest priorities and the things that motivate you. What is your value system?
Cover Letters - “…love you, love you not…”
By Susanne Kahle Keene
In 2012, the use of cover letters for a job application has changed. Here are a few hints than may be helpful in creating an effective cover letter.
Job Seekers – 5 Points You Should Know
By Susanne Kahle Keene
Seeking a new job or position can be overwhelming and sometimes frustrating. Here are a few pointers to help reframe your outlook.
Are You Inspired?
By Susanne Kahle Keene
Think of a moment in your life when you felt at peace, complete, in your element, and in love with your ability to do something very special...
By Carla Langmead
Illness, disease or disability will visit us or a loved one at some stage of our lives,