Lucy Adams BSEd MS PCC's Articles
The Sound of Silence: Improve Your Relationship, Productivity, Mood, and Health
Coach Lucy Adams asks you to consider your discomfort with silence and how increasing silence in your day can positively impact your life.
How Choice and Consistency Influence Success
Coach Lucy Adams explains how too many options and too little consistency combine to derail us from achieving out goals. How can a coach help?
Coping with Anxiety During a Crisis
A sustained crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can cause undo anxiety, even when we think we have it under control. This quick exercise will help.
7 Steps to Regaining Your Sense of Control Amid COVID-19 Uncertainty
COVID-19 affects the physical, mental, and emotional health of everyone. Try this exercise to ameliorate some of the negative impact.
5 Strategies for Better Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Maintain strong relationships with effective digital communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Build Better Relationships: Set Consequences Not Intentions
Setting intentions is a buzz phrase in the self-help arena. I challenge you to take an alternate approach by setting consequences.
Social Anxiety and the Drive to Be Liked
Social Anxiety is pervasive. We want to be liked. But is wanting to be liked the same as being liked? Can the answer reduce our social anxiety?
Four Steps to Maintaining Your Boundaries: The Man in Plaid Pants
Learn four easy steps to better maintain your boundaries in the face of challenge.
The Diminishing Comfort Zone
Your comfort zone might feel secure and safe, but it's also small, confining, and narrow. This is what it looks like from your very own favorite chair
Coaching to the Three Ps
Learn how to simplify a problem into its component parts. Then work out potential solutions that address each of those components.