Coaching Articles
Quit Early and Often!
By Amie Devero
We often persist in the things we’re doing simply because we are culturally programmed never to quit anything! But quitting is often the best, most r
Blocked by Meditation?
By Amy Scott Grant
When you hear “meditation” do you imagine sitting in lotus pose, chanting “om” and keeping your mind devoid of all thought? Here's a fresh perspective
3 Quick Tips to Get Balanced
By Amy Scott Grant
You've got lots on your plate yet taking care of yourself never seems to be a priority, so here are 3 simple tips to help you get balanced fast.
The Good, the Bad, and the Balance of Giftedness
By Rikky M
Every intensity, or 'overexcitability', associated with giftedness is not necessarily negative or positive in itself. I believe it's important to know
How to Create More Time
By Karol Dixon de la O
How many of you have heard the story of that fairly large south Atlantic island named “Someday Isle”? You know, someday I’ll do this...
Communication Skills I Learned From My Border Collie
By Karol Dixon de la O
Your body language defines over half of what you are communicating. And really it is the energy you are projecting as much as how you carry yourself.
My Health Journey: How a Blender Changed My Life
By Kristen Elyse
How I went from being your average, out-of-shape person to a muscular health nut EASILY!
Looking for a Partner in Business or Pleasure? Its all about the approach.
Looking for a partner can be difficult, and some have better approaches than others. Use these strategies to change your approach & find your partner.
Is Your Marriage Counselor a Home-Wrecker? Try a Relationship Coach Instead.
Relationship coaching, particularly the type practiced by a trained couples mediator, has many advantages over traditional marriage counselling.