Coaching Articles
About Me...a bit about me, so you know what inspires me to do the work I love!
By Janaki Bakshi
I help clients Live A Designed Life ~ One of Choice, Balance, Fulfillment and Joy! A life they love, and where they shine brilliantly!
Are You A Great Thinker?
By Judy Laws
Are you a great thinker? Great thinking seems to be lacking in workplaces today. Learn about what great thinking is and how you might improve.
5 Essential Tips for Nailing the Phone Interview
By Janna Kefalas
Think the phone interview is just a brief get-to-know-you session? Think again! These 5 tips increase your chances of moving to the next round.
Conscious Attraction
This is my most popular blog to date from Happiness InSight Life Coaching
7 Shortcuts to Slowing Down
By Dawn Camacho
Seeking that elusive balance in your life? Still feel like a hamster on the wheel? Simple, everyday hacks for a more grounded and productive soul.
Why I Think Being Your Best is a Sham
By Dawn Camacho
Always needing to be your best at everything? What a sham. Perfectionism is more than the enemy of the good, it can keep you from what you love.
A Structured Approach to Career Pathing
By Susan Maggetti
Want to learn how to find your true path? Follow these 7 steps.
The Fundamental Balancing Act for Small Businesses
By Maggie Karshner
How do I know if my business will succeed? Well, you don't really, but the fundamental balancing act of three key aspects of your business is a start!
The Hot Cider Lesson about Leaving the Past in the Past
By Keri Cooper
A life lesson about the importance of cleaning out the influence of our past so it doesn't still our joy of today.