Fear or Fulfillment? It's Your Choice!
Posted on September 16, 2016 by Montine Blank, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Let's look at the fears that keep over 70% of Americans in jobs they don't like, and then let's consider ways to tackle those fears.
Dear >You,
So many of you bright, talented people are staying in jobs that make you stressed and uncomfortable – sick, even. Most of you recognize where you are working or how your are working is not working for you.
You’re not alone. A Gallup survey shows that 71% of workers are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” from work.
Why stay?
Clients have told me that they feel stuck because of one or more of these fears:
1) Losing money,
2) Starting again from the “bottom”, or
3) Not knowing what to pursue.
While these are understandable fears, they do not have to be showstoppers.
This is your one precious life to have, to hold, and to live until in death you part. So, I’d like to give you permission to make it special; make it meaningful; and let it bring you deep joy and great satisfaction.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be addressing each fear thoroughly, while looking for ways to work around them. This post explores the first fear.
Granted, the fear of losing money is a valid one. In many situations, a job change will reduce income, at least temporarily. This can be for positive as well as negative reasons. On the positive side, perhaps you decide to take time off and join an archeological dig, travel the world, write a book, volunteer, or renovate your home.
On the other hand, it may simply take time to secure your next job.
There are a number of ways to address this fear so that you are honoring your concerns while still moving forward into a better future.
Option A: Start Saving Money
Begin to prepare for the change by saving up money to see you through the transition and by reducing your spending. Many might say they don’t see how they can save money, but for most of you there are clear options for significant savings, including some of these listed at the bottom of the page (with potential monthly savings in parentheses).
Just tallying the impact of the items listed can result in savings of a thousand or more dollars per month. It just requires a mindset change, and possibly moving money off of your debit card to a savings account and ripping up a few credit cards. Also, paying with cash really helps the brain stick to budgets.
Option B: Launch a Side Gig
Another option to address the fear of losing money with a professional re-launch is to start the new gig on the side, while still in the current job. This may mean working on your own project after hours and on weekends, starting small and growing more organically to test products and ideas or get the necessary training.
PLEASE NOTE: For some, Option B will be hard, because the current job is sucking you bone dry and you don’t have the energy to launch yourself of the couch, much less launch something new.
However, I have witnessed many cases where, if the sucked-dry person were to start setting reasonable boundaries at work, they could substantially lessen their office hours. Many of you work more than you are paid to – and more than your colleagues are working – because you believe you have to… but that’s a whole different article, so I’m going to move on for now. (If you think you are one of these people call me and let’s work through it, please. It can radically improve your work/life balance ;)
Option C: Make a Direct Shift
There are times when making a seamless change from one job to the next is necessary. When dependents are involved, for example, it could be irresponsible to take a financial risk that could cost their security. Maneuvering in these situations indeed requires special handling with an eye on safekeeping, and may require a job change delay, until you can make a direct switch from one job to another.
The truth is, as the old adage professes, “where there is a will, there is a way”. If you feel stuck and blocked by fear, explore ways you can address the concern and still make a plan to proceed.
Give your dreams a chance.See you soon with Part 2!
+++++ Savings Strategies that Work +++++
Eat and drink at home with friends instead of in restaurants ($250+/month)
Eat the food in your fridge instead of letting it go bad ($50+)
By less expensive food and beverages and look for deals & coupons ($200+)
Skip the daily $5 latte ($150)
Stop going to the mall ($100+++)
Give up cable and watch movies on Netflix ($100+)
Call the gas company and set up regulated billing ($30+)
Give up your land line and ask for cellular discounts or threaten to switch ($50+)
Find a less expensive work out routine (75+)
Give up the water delivery and buy a filter ($100+)
Stay off of Amazon ($100+++)
Live with the electronics you have until they stop working ($100+)
Repair items instead of replacing them ($50+)