Coaching Articles
Is your New Year Resolution a New Career?
By Deborah Voll
Are you considering a new career in the new year? Here are some questions to ask yourself prior to embarking on your quest for the ultimate job
Rerouting Our Mind, Recovering Our Bliss
By Virginia Zuloaga
"Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading". – Lena Dunham "And meditating. And breathing". - Me
The Magic in Me!
Magic is defined as an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source- in this case the mind!
Acknowledge Yourself
Most of us base our performance in our day-to-day lives on how we are perceived by others at work and at home. Acknowledge yourself for who you are.
Transferring your gifts
You can make your gift count. I can help anyone see the very best in themselves and others and create a bright and wholesome future.
By Tarek Al Haddad
We have postponed our happiness, waiting for something to happen, and we hold our satisfaction waiting for our goal or dream to become true...
Your Negative Thoughts, To Fight Or Not ?
By Tarek Al Haddad
Negative thoughts are not our enemies...they are acting like a mother trying to protect her baby from doing the same mistake twice, but...
11 TIPS :: On How To Survive The 2020 World Recession For Wage-earner.
By Tarek Al Haddad
How To Survive The 2020 World Recession.
What is Self-Care and Why do I need it?
By Carrie Mead
If you feel stressed, anxious, sleepless, & irritable, it could be because you are not taking good care of yourself. It's time to prioritize yourself.