Why You Need A Weight Loss Coach
Posted on April 09, 2020 by Kareemah Sabur, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
A brief discussion of why coaching matters.
You want to lose weight. So you’ve made the commitment. Eat less, move more. Simple, right? On the surface, weight loss boils down to that simple equation. Yet, astonishingly, a whopping 95% of diets fail; and those who do reach their goal will gain the weight back in 1-5 years. To be sure, there is no shortage of products and services that guarantee that if you buy them, you could be the exception to those bleak statistics.
What is coaching?
Weight loss coaching draws on knowledge from psychology, exercise science and nutrition to bring about weight loss and ultimately weight maintenance. The coach assists an individual in reaching specific goals, defined by the client. Together, once rapport has been established, they work on overcoming barriers that may make reaching the individual’s goal challenging. Coaching can be face-to-face or virtual. Both have been shown to be efficacious in helping people lose weight and keep that weight off.
Why coaching?
1. A good coach will develop a sound nutrition and exercise plan that takes into account your lifestyle and your goals as well as your preferences. In order to do this, a good coach needs formal training in exercise and nutrition. This may include a degree, a certification or other credentials. Any weight loss coach should be willing to preesnt his or her credentials to prospective clients.
2. A good coach will also be willing to revise your plan if you change your goal and/or have changes in your life that require you to adapt to new circumstances. Without progress there is no revision. If you work with me, there will be progress and there will be revision.
2. A good coach will keep you accountable toward your goals. When life gets in the way it can be easy to be sidetracked and to let your weight loss goals be placed on the back burner. A good coach will remind you why you got started in the first place and help make revisions to your plan so that you can continue to progress.
3. Finally, a good coach will teach you how to maintain your weight loss on your own. The goal is NOT for you to have a coach for the rest of your life, but for you to learn how to sustain the new habits you’ve developed over the long haul.
Why coaching with me?
My approach is multi-dimensional because weight loss is about more than just calories, exercise and diet. Weight loss also involves deep sociological and psychological processes. With experience using motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy, I have the skills to assist you in finding what you truly desire and to help you get there. I have formal training in nutrition and exercise so that I can provide you with highly individualized assessments and plans to follow. Finally, I have leveraged my knowledge in my own ever-evolving quest to maintain a 50-pound weight loss and remain healthy and grounded.