Coaching Articles
Resilience Influence
By Anna McCoy
In difficult times a coach can help you increase your resilience influence to achieve bigger and better goals while Inspiring others to overcome.
Paying attention and Finding solutions
By Melissa Davies
Often in life we come face to face with a cross-road. What should I do, where should I go? Paying attention & finding solutions often go hand in hand.
By Melissa Davies
Our perspectives are the lenses with with we view the world. Change your perspective and you will see something entirely different.
Our Inner Self
By Melissa Davies
Do you ever wonder how your actions affect the world? Have you ever considered that relationships with others are much like reflections in a mirror?
Dealing with Stress
By Melissa Davies
We have all dealt with stress before, it's a part of life. It's how we deal with it that makes the difference.
By Melissa Davies
Depression is something that has to be addressed within if there is to be any lasting change. This article will help shed some insight on the subject.
The amazing benefits of Hemp!
By Melissa Davies
Hemp is becoming more and more recognized for its health benefits as a super food, as well as a huge contributer to biodegradable and reusable energy.
5 tips for a Maintaining a Healthy Mind and Body
By Melissa Davies
If you are looking to make real and lasting changes in your mind and body, then this article is for you.
Focus on intention
By Fern Weis
Start your day with positive thoughts of what you want, instead of negative thoughts about what you don't want. You'll manifest your best.
Career Management: When You Can Do the Job, BUT You Aren’t a Cultural Fit
By Dorothy Tannahill-Moran
What can you do when you don't "fit in" at work? Is it you? What can you do about it?