Coaching Articles
Fishing For A New Job
Can searching for a new job be like fishing? Yes it can, and a career coach can help you land the big one.
Now Is Better Than Yesterday or Tomorrow
By Mark Strong
While hindsight and foresight serve us in many ways, they can become a hindrance to our growth and lead to perpetual inaction.
Hide and Seek
By Veronica Forsman
What is it that you're hiding from in your life? What is it in yourself that you're desperately searching for, yet time and time again,it alludes you?
By Mark Julian
One in a series of articles based on interviews, with adults in the Washington, D.C. area with ADD/ADHD.
Getting perfectionism out of the way of your weight loss
By Shannon Ratliff
If perfectionist tendencies have interfered with you getting started on your weight loss goals, there is hope.
Finding the Energy to Take on Weight Loss
By Shannon Ratliff
We talk about energy and willpower a lot when we talk about weight loss. Finding the energy to get started and keep it going is possible.
Career Development: 7 Steps to Power Your Way to a Promotion This Year
By Dorothy Tannahill-Moran
There are things you can do to help you get promoted this year. Learn what those are.
Eliminating Bullying with S.W.A.G
By Jeanelle Marshawn Lanham
Eliminating Bullying in the lives of Teenagers. Every day teenagers encounter bullying but with the right tools they can overcome!
Are You Addicted to Technology? The Benefits of Unplugging
By Mark Strong
While technology makes communication easier and information more accessible, there are many benefits to unplugging from the grid throughout your day.