Coaching Articles
Is Your Hamster Wheel Getting You Anywhere?
By Dr Gerrit Pelzer
Are you busy being busy but still not getting the results you desire? Then step of the hamster wheel for a moment and start do things differently!
8 Critical Steps For a Successful Career Transition
By Howard Sambol
This is a complete Recipe for Transitioning into your ideal career path. You can listen to an audio presentation of this information at
Quiet Leadership: The Powerful Secret to Thriving
By Tammy Hibler
When we think of leadership, we think of the commanding, visionary person taking charge. Yet, there's another form of that can be much more effective.
Women in Business Don’t Take Enough Financial Risks
By Lynn Telford-Sahl
"Stretching is more than doing yoga, it’s taking risks," says Ellen in her new book Seriously, I'm Kidding. Are you taking enough risks in business?
Breaking Soul Ties
By Saideh Browne
Developing soul ties happens very quietly; most of the time we don't even realize or understand that soul ties are being developed, until its too late
We are what we think
The mind is a very powerful machine. Besides controlling our body’s daily functions, it also controls our present and our future.
Emotional Intelligence at Work
By Dr Patrick Hopp
This article brings the science of Emotional Intelligence to life and offers practical tips for successfully building your EQ.
Breaking through diabetes!
A successful case of reversed diabetes using nutrition.