"I Am Me." Appreciating Your Uniqueness is Key
Posted on January 15, 2013 by Deborah Grant, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
It's fine to aspire to be like those we admire, but not at the expense of forgetting how wonderfully unique we are.
Looking over the photos on my iPad from last year, I found one of the doodles my nine-year-old granddaughter had drawn, which was a pretty violet flower on a green background with the words “I am me” boldly outlined in pink.
From the mouths of babes come great wisdom.
2013 is another year and another chance to reflect on our lives. Who am I, where am I going? How do I plot my course as I navigate the wild and wonderful world of life, of family, and of business as a human being who hopes to help bring about abundance and positive change in the world?
No two people, whether woman or man, live life in the same way. We are each on our own quest for meaning and happiness, including what we do for work, how we work, and the satisfaction we get out of working.
This year, give yourself permission to be yourself and to get to know yourself better. Find out more about what you love to do and resolve to do more of what makes you feel alive, vibrant, and really good.
Feel the relief of not worrying about what anybody else is up to. Know that the best thing you can do for anybody else is to find ways to feel more alive and more connected with your best self. There are no two people in the world who are alike, there has never been anyone exactly like us ever born, and when we die there never will be anyone just like us again. It isn’t possible to duplicate this moment in the intersection of time, place, and circumstance that presents us with the opportunity to be, well, ourselves.
So this year, make it your resolution to allow yourself to feel the beauty and wonder of this truth.
I am me. You are you.
Celebrate 2013 with the best resolution ever. Make discovering the treasures of your own inner world your top priority and appreciate your precious uniqueness and the one-of-a-kind-ness of everyone and everything around you.