Two Fish, Five Loaves….Changing the World by Giving What You Got
Posted on January 16, 2013 by Jacqui Wilson, One of Thousands of Christian Coaches on Noomii.
Mark 6:30-44 and John 6:5-13
John 6:9 (KJV) says, “There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?”
In Jesus’ hands, it is much.
Your child has something to offer, a smile, a kind word, a favorite song, etc. Although seemingly small, these things are much in Jesus’ hands.
One day, a crowd of over 5,000 people followed Jesus because they were amazed by His miracles. Jesus perceived that the people were hungry, but His disciples were unsure of how to feed so many people. They were outside of town and night was drawing near. Among the crowd, there was a little boy with two small fish and five barley loaves. This little boy gave Jesus his food. Jesus blessed the food and fed everyone. Imagine that!
From this boy’s small act, there are four truths to be gathered.
1. His parents prepared him for his journey. Are you preparing your child for the greatness God has designed for them?
2. His act was the answer to a need. Will you allow your child’s act to answer a prayer?
3. He was willing to give what he had. Will you allow your child to give what they have for what God wants?
4. When he gave what he had to Jesus, much was done with it. Will you allow God to use your child’s small offering to bless many?
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