Coaching Articles
What's In Your Account?
By Lynn Bacon
Your ability to be more depends on more being in your "account".
Your Life On A Seesaw
By Lynn Bacon
When some things go down, some things go up. Where are you on the seesaw?
Your Life Will Change When You Challenge Your Beliefs
By Lynn Bacon
Because we can't truly lie to ourselves, our beliefs determine our outcome every time.
Branding? or Self-promoting?
By Aline Ayoub
Ask yourself: What do I want to be known for? What do I don’t want to be known for? What qualities do I want people to associate with me?
From Discontent to Follow Your Bliss!
By Michael Casteel
If you want to live your most meaningful and juicy life you must follow your bliss! Don’t ignore your soul’s call, say YES, follow your bliss."
Exposing the Forces that Sabotage Us
Our limiting beliefs, subconscious vows, patterns of behaviour and conflicting values are trying to keep us safe, but are they?
Your First Aid Kit for getting Un-Stuck
Four steps to interrupt your head spin, relax your energy and open you up to new possibilities.
In control, until you're not... then what?
By Gary Mahler
How to deal with life when we feel we are not in control
Love, Happiness and Intimacy: How do we sustain them?
When our relationships take a turn for the worst, where do we turn?
From Addiction to Recovery: What is the Right Path for You?
This article discusses the benefits of life coaching when recovering from an addiction