Coaching Articles
Who's listening
By Cynthia Sumner
Are you being heard? What difference would it make in your day to know someone was really paying attention and got it!
What is Spiritual Counseling?
By Keriomi Timpson-Bey
Spiritual counseling offers techniques to help enliven your soul’s desires and unleashes unlimited abundance in your life.
How to Survive Marital Financial Stress
By Keriomi Timpson-Bey
Marital financial stress doesn't have to end your marriage. Here are a few helpful tips to survive marital stressors and keep your family intact.
Affirmation for Divine Love
By Keriomi Timpson-Bey
A daily affirmation to manifest divine love (your ideal mate) into your life.
How to Stimulate Emotional Healing
By Keriomi Timpson-Bey
Emotional healing requires dedication and commitment to look within for the answers.
Daily Exercise for Mind, Body, & Spirit
By Keriomi Timpson-Bey
A holistic approach to caring for yourself in the comfort of your own home.
Overwhelmed With Your Job Search?
By Alison Elissa Horner
It's easy to get lost in a job search. This is a client case study of how I helped one young woman find her way.
Feeling Stuck? A Story and Two Acronyms To Get You On Your Way
By Alison Elissa Horner
Here's a fun story to help you get unstuck.