Stop and Smell the Roses: 5 Ways to Live a More Fulfilling Life
Posted on July 11, 2013 by Ashiya Hudson, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Are you stressed? Have you forgot how to enjoy life or feel there isn't enough time? Take a moment to learn 5 ways to live a happier life.
Have you noticed how face-paced our world has become? Do you have more responsibilities than time—only to find yourself existing instead of living? Let me assure you that life so much more than schedules, deadlines, and work. It is a journey that is to be shared with others! How can you do this when there is too much to do? I will share five simple techniques that will begin the path to a more fulfilling life.
One sunny afternoon, a young came to greet my husband and me. He asked, “How are you today?” My husband replied, “Oh, I’m taking it one day at a time.” As I listened to his response, I found myself a little confused and remembered that he responds to everyone this way. As I we walked to our truck, I asked my husband about his response because it seems so vague and unclear. My husband placed a slight smile on his faced and replied, “We are not promised tomorrow, so I make the most of today.” I began to realize this is my husband’s way of eliminating worry, stress, and relinquish his power to God. After pondering on this for a while, I felt encouraged to live responsibly and to the absolute fullest!
Did you know that you possess the power to shape your future? Before you ask any questions, this does not imply that negative circumstances will not occur. However, we can eliminate a lot of negative emotions with positive speech. Take a moment to think about something negative that has been spoken into your life. Maybe you received this message from a parent, close friend, teacher, or spouse. This person may have said you lacked the ability to become successful, deemed you as unlovable, or claimed that you will never be successful. Now, take a moment to think about your response to that message. Did you stop dreaming, engage in self-destructive behavior, or simply quit caring?
In contrast, think of a moment when someone spoke hope into your life. Did you feel loved, accepted, validated, and approved? Those are wonderful feelings that will lead to a happier life. Perhaps, this occurred when a parent commented on your talents and gifts, a teacher discussed your great potential, or a spouse verbally expressed kindness. How did you feel? You may have felt motivated to try a little harder, smile a little more, or simply develop a more positive attitude. In essence, you were happier.
It is no secret that most of us are overly-committed due to multiple roles whether it is taking the children to soccer practice, caring for an elderly parent, volunteering, or commitments at work; we are busy people who need a break. How do we get this break? First, it is recommended that you consider your commitments and ask a few important questions:
1. Why should I commit to this project?
2. What are the time restraints?
3. What are the benefits?
Time is a key factor. Based on your professional and personal commitments, is the deadline for the project realistic? For example, a person who is given 2 days to plan a cruise may have some difficulties due to insufficient time for planning. Think about all the variables that must be considered: travel dates, budget, type of cruise, clothing, childcare, and etc. These factors alone will make a person feel overwhelmed and unappreciated. Sufficient time for planning is needed for successful execution.
What are the benefits of the project? Determine if the benefits outweigh the time committed. If the project reaps great financial rewards, improve production, or create meaningful relationships, the commitment may be worth a few sleepless nights. However, the purpose and benefits of the project should be clearly addressed to avoid resentment.
Fourth, it is important to breathe. When you are feeling overwhelmed, it is best to take a moment to deeply inhale and exhale for approximately 30 seconds. This helps you to regain focus, consider your thoughts, and move forward. Depending on the situation, you may be required to do this for an extended period of time—in addition to other relaxation methods.
And finally, engage in an activity that is enjoyable. Life is filled with challenges, but everyone should enjoy the fruits of his/her labor. The Holy Bible suggests this in the book of Psalms Chapter 128 and Verse 2. How do you like to enjoy your fruits? If monetary resources are a problem, you may consider more practical alternatives. However, the purpose is to avoid stress, so it may not be wise to create unnecessary debt.
In conclusion, living a more fulfilling life may require some gradual and/or immediate changes that may include but are not limited to the following: time-management, relationships, and professional/personal commitments. In essence, these changes can reduce stress and foster a happier life.