Coaching Articles
Do you ever question your identity or purpose?
By Drew Lichtenberger
Twentysomething feels beat down by life
What are you doing with your life?
By Drew Lichtenberger
Young woman just graduated from college, yet wondering why she's a waitress.
Follow Your Urges to Career Fulfillment and Success
It may seem dangerous, but if you follow your urges, you'll get clues about what your next career move could be.
Career Truths
A satisfying life and career is a direct outgrowth of the truth or lies we tell ourselves.
Defining Moments
Defining moments in your life offer the opportunity to re-define who you can be. These moments usually hide behind a crisis or problem.
SEVA ( service with gratitude )
By Raj Parti MD
Contribution and growth are very vital for a life of engagement and fulfillment. There no better way than doing it with spirit of SERVICE.
Your Life's Idea
There are fundamental rhythms at work throughout our biography. Interpreting significant events in the light of these rhythms lead to helpful insights
Personal Life Coaching and the Challenge of Depression
A multi-disciplinary approach to the challenge of depression with compassion for your needs can lead to lasting transformation.
What is your Reason for Living
Maybe our ultimate task here is not to find pleasure, but to find meaning. Your Life Purpose will support you in all your challenges.
Crisis - a Matter of Needs?
A crisis in one's life usually hides fundamental needs that have been ignored, neglected or denied even, causing a deep imbalance