What thoughts are you feeding?
Posted on December 09, 2015 by Christine Bull, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What happens when we feed something? Well, it either gets bigger or it maintains its existence. The same applies to your thoughts.
What happens when we feed something? Well, it either gets bigger or it maintains its existence; that’s the point of food right? Even if something is ‘bad’ and could be perceived as less deserving, it still gets bigger or stays alive with feeding; nature doesn’t decide to change its mind depending on the subject matter. Food is food and it does what it is meant to do.
The same applies to your thoughts.
Have you ever noticed the more you think about something the bigger it gets? How many times do we lay awake in bed, winding ourselves up over the smallest worry and make it HUGE by mulling it over again and again? You feed that thought and either make it bigger or keep it alive. It doesn’t matter that its a ‘bad’ or worrisome thought, the rules still apply. So why feed those thoughts?
This reminds me of a quote from A Beautiful Mind when Russel Crowe’s character, John Nash, says “Our dreams are like our nightmares, we have to feed them to keep them alive.”
So let’s look at the flip-side. Let’s look at getting your dreams, hopes and exciting thoughts bigger and bigger by fattening those bad boys up!
1.Make them look appetising Don’t expect to want to savour your thoughts if they don’t look good to you! Only consume those thoughts that are pleasing to you, scrape away those ugly ones and start your mind cooking again until you find the one that makes you ravenous.
2.Season with love Yes, love! Be kind to your mind and only pepper your thoughts with kindness. You’ve found your appetising thought so don’t ruin it by adding unnecessary, overpowering spices! Keep it sweet and simple so it’s easier to digest.
3.Chop into chewable chunks Don’t overwhelm your system with thoughts that are too huge to comprehend! Take them down a notch and keep them manageable. Write things down and get them in some sort of order first if this helps, don’t try to focus on the big picture if the big picture is too big to get your head around straight away.
4.Savour each bite Enjoy day-dreaming and take time to savour those thoughts. Why waste energy on worry when you can take yourself to anyplace of your choosing simply by tapping into that imagination we all had as children? Take a thought, a wish, a dream and experiment with different characters, location, end results; you’ll have a great time and not even have to leave the comfort of your own head! I have more on how to do this in my free coaching module here.
5.Wash it down with plenty of your favourite tipple If your thoughts are goals or wishes then help those thoughts become reality by taking some action around them. A small action, a big action, whatever, but do something to help those thoughts digest and become something more. Don’t let them just sit around being chewed on, move them to where they need to be, wash them down with a good glug of action!
Now that’s a recipe that Jamie Oliver can be proud of!