Coaching Articles
Practice Mindfulness To Enhance Your Life
By Nina Cherry
Mindfulness is the new buzzword in progressive businesses like Google. Research shows practicing mindfulness lowers stress, leads to more focus & joy.
Death By Sitting
By Nina Cherry
Sitting is the new smoking. Learn how to mitigate the effects of sitting for long hours and stay healthy.
Eight Traits of an Outstanding Coach
By Wendy Eustace
What makes an outstanding coach? What qualities separate them from a good coach? Is it their knowledge or its application?
The Secret Power of the Introverted Business Leader
By David Justus
The Secret Power of the Introverted Business Leader and How to Use Your Quiet Nature to Your Advantage.
3 Reasons He Won’t Do What You Ask – Even If He Wants To
Do you have a man who resists when you ask something of him? Read on to learn why and how to change his behavior. :)
30 Ways to Attend a Conference...ON Purpose!
By Mark Myette
Whether an attendee...volunteer... OR, exhibitor! #WhatAreYourGifts
3 Places to Make Decisions From
By Lynda Fletcher
It's easy to decide what music to listen to on the way home. On the other hand, what about the bigger decisions?
By Chris Costello
One of the most important aspects of any business is a clearly defined brand. Do it effectively and your business will benefit greatly...
By Chris Costello
Want to know the secrets to writing an effective Mission Statement? Follow my advice and you can have a clear and powerful Mission Statement...
Never. Give. Your. Power. Away.
By Miriam Racquel 'Meryl' Feldman
4 recovery and discovery steps when you feel disappointed about hiring an expert and not getting the results you were expecting.