Posted on October 29, 2017 by Sydney Ceruto, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The best apology is changed behavior.
Often I hear people excuse an unfavorable behavior by saying, “I can’t help it, I have a Type A personality, or I know I should have spoken up, but I’m shy and introverted.
Personally, I think we put way too much credence in boxing ourselves and others into these finite “personality types”. Truth is, like most everything else in life, our personalities are much more gray than we like to think.
Human behavior changes throughout the entire lifetime of an individual. It includes our actions based on various factors such as genetics, faith, social norms and attitude. The traits of an individual creates an impact on his/her behavior. Traits are the distinguishing characteristics of an individual which result in different behavior and actions performed by each person.
People are supposed to follow certain social norms and behave according to the acceptable standards of the society. Different behaviors are perceived to be acceptable or unacceptable in different cultural communities.
A popular psychologist propounded the TYPE A and TYPE B personality theory in 1950. The theory stated that, “intense, hard-driving Type A personalities had a higher risk of coronary disease because they are stress junkies, ultra controlling, easily perturbed. Type B people, on the other hand, tended to be relaxed, less competitive, less successful and often harboring anger leading them to have a multitude of emotional depressions”.
Personally, I do not agree whatsoever. My beliefs, my philosophy is much more forgiving and comprehensive; which is why I have had such great success in guiding my clients toward a far less austere trait theory modality.
My theory is rooted in 7 specific and essential paradigms.
Openness to Experience
Instead of judging behaviors, my approach involves expressing feelings based on a rational approach and thinking modality. This means that the decisions I help you make in determining your strengths and weaknesses are predicated on logical deductions.