Coaching Articles
Unlock Your Inner Strength and Find Your Confidence
Finding your inner strength and confidence takes practice and perseverance. Positive talk, who you surround yourself with, and consistency is key.
Want a more Intentional Life/Career? - 3 Development Approaches to Consider
Content with being a leaf floating along the flow of the river of life? Would you be more satisfied and fulfilled if you could be more intentional?
Tips for Reducing Stress for Pastors
This article offers vital strategies to help pastors cultivate resilience, balance, and well-being as they navigate their crucial mission.
Do you know what you stand for?
"Find out who you are and do it on purpose" - Dolly Parton.
Meditation: Simple Ins and Outs
By Lee Bishop
Learn how to meditate and ways it can help you. An excerpt from my ebook Tips for Finding Inner Peace.
Market Research Mastery: Knowing Your Canadian Audience
Enhance your business success by truly knowing your Canadian audience's needs and preferences.
From Business Idea to Canvas: Visualizing Your Business as a Canadian Woman
Turn your entrepreneurial vision into a structured business model canvas, optimized for the Canadian market you serve.
A Guide to Healing and Growth
Learn to practice self-compassion, set healthy boundaries, and build positive relationships for inner peace and resilience.