Coaching Articles
Energy in Motion
By Aleda Michels
An emotion can be viewed as energy in motion; a neutral energy that adds power to our thoughts.
When It May Be Time to Change Your Career
By Erin Yates
Advice on deciding if you just need a new job or a complete career change. Changing a career path is possible and not as scary as you may think.
5 Steps for Showing Up as a Leader When You Simply Don’t Wanna!
By Jordanna Eyre
Is it possible that the times you least want to be a leader could be the times you exhibit the best leadership?
Why Being "Right" Just Makes Everything Wrong
By Jordanna Eyre
Learn how to communicate genuinely, wholeheartedly, and speak your truth without hurting others.
Bravery, It's what defines us. (Is it?)
What is it that defines you? Have you thought about it? Do you know?
Curbing Impulsivity: The 24 Hour Rule
By Beth Main
How building incubation time into your schedule will help you be less impulsive overall.
Cultivating awareness
By Bryan Engelbert
Leadership starts with leading ourselves and leading ourselves starts with enhanced awareness.
Lent: Time for Spring Cleaning
By Kyre Adept
Are you giving up something for Lent? What are you going to do with all that empty space?