Coaching Articles
A message from your Love Spark Coach
By Caterina Barregar
As your Love Spark Coach, I am here to help you identify and nurture your own love spark.
Whatever Happened to Accountability?
By Laura Kronen
Accountability is defined as being responsible—giving an explanation and accepting the consequences. Why do so many people lack it?
Live Life Now
By Laura Anderson
Find happiness in taking the time to live life now instead of only the past or future.
The Busy Bee Syndrome
By Laura Anderson
It is in our culture to fill our calendars. Why do we do this when it creates stress?
Allowing Your Dreams to Come True
By Jeannea Spence
Make your dream a REALITY! The world needs the fire of your passion, the determination of your purpose, and the joy of a life well lived.
I Transformed My Life (and so can you)!
By Heather Gratt
Get your happy back! Pick yourself up and start moving in the right direction with this easy, three step process to self-improvement.
The What? So What? Now What? Model ™
By David Bowman
Tools for building and living a life that matters - no matter what!
How to Put The Me In Metrics
By Urrikka Woods-Scott
Here are some strategies to reinvent a new measurable you.