When the impossible becomes possible
Posted on August 05, 2013 by Sally Anne Carroll, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
When you expect change, change is more likely to occur. When you focus, what you’re focused on is everywhere.
If there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s that when you set an intention and spend time on a vision of what you want, things happen.
Of course, intending and visioning aren’t magical.
We all need to add some good old-fashioned action into the mix when we’re working towards achieving a goal.
But action is just so much harder when we haven’t done the first things first.
In business, successful companies act with strategy and vision. They have a sense of where they are headed before they head there. And somehow, what seems like common business sense can get lost in translation when we look at our own individual lives.
Top athletes over time have turned to visualization to reach seemingly impossible goals. We hear them say this, and yet we dismiss its relevance for ourselves.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s changing your mindset to imagine a positive result to a negative situation or whether it’s changing your job, when you are grounded in what you intend and what you envision for yourself, you will see changes. Small ones. Big ones. And ones that sneak in so stealthily that you don’t even notice them right away.
Sometimes they even start to happen on their own. Sometimes it feels like synchronicity. Sometimes we don’t make the connection. Always, it changes something.
With a clear intention, you begin to act differently.
With a clear vision, you begin to see differently.
The impossible seems possible.
When you expect change, change is more likely to occur. When you focus, what you’re focused on is everywhere. When you believe in a positive outcome, positive outcomes are much more likely to unfold, even if they aren’t the ones you were expecting.
This week alone, I’ve seen evidence of this everywhere. With me, with my partner, with my clients. Everywhere.
I’ve seen mindset shifts resolve stuck situations and impossible timing suddenly fall neatly into place. I’ve heard about milestones achieved. Just for starters.
But I don’t need more convincing. In the past several years, my own life (and that of many of my clients and colleagues) has been run by this philosophy. And much of what I once thought “impossible” is not just “possible,” it has fast become the new normal. Leaving room for what’s next— the new “possible.”
Try an experiment today. Break this intention thing down to the smallest step.
How would you like to be today? What would you like to experience as you go through your day? Spend a few minutes with this. During the day, make an effort to be aware of what happens, of what you notice, of how you’re feeling. Watch for movement. I’d love to hear what happens.