Coaching Articles
I had a limiting belief
By Nihad Khalil
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford
ADHD Study reveals impact of ADHD on adults
By Dan Weigold
ADHD was thought to primarily affect children. A new study reveals that the impact is considerable in adults.
Always sharpen the saw
By Sandy Rees
Be committed to continuing your education--attend conferences/webinars and read books. Learn things that are applicable to improving your business.
Creating a Movement
By Sandy Rees
Take a stand for something that people can get excited about. You need to tell they WHY it’s important to you to help them.
Help more nonprofits in the same amount of time
By Sandy Rees
Leverage yourself by working with multiple clients at a time. Work one-to-many instead of one-to-one.
Is Leaning In and Doing More Really The Answer?
By Beate Chelette
The vast majority of working women today want a more realistic way to achieve success.
For What Moment Do You Exist?
By Jacqui Wilson
What if you understood your true purpose? What if your daughter understood hers?
If a Little Girl Understood Her Worth...
By Jacqui Wilson
What happens to a little girl who understands her worth versus one who does not?
Don’t Hit Your Brother in the Head
By Jacqui Wilson
Don’t Hit Your Brother (or Sister) in the Head with a Rock; Rock Out a Different Way!