Coaching Articles on Life Coaching Articles
Balance is a Myth
By Kerry Rockquemore
Stop blaming yourself for failing to achieve what is generally impossible to find on the tenure track!
The Power of our Values and Beliefs
What are the values and beliefs that shape your life? Understanding the impact our beliefs have is crucial in making deep long-lasting changes.
The Acorn Theory
By James Ladd
Each person bears a uniqueness that asks to be lived and that is already present before it can be lived.
Have We Lost Our Moral Compass?
By James Ladd
Would I be overstating it if I went out on a limb and made the bold assertion that we have lost our moral compass?
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
By Mary Ernsberger
Having trouble deciding which direction your life path should go next?
Qualities Coaches Must Have
By Maia Berens
There are zillions of them but these are an absolute necessity in order to accomplish what you want. Nice to have everyone in your life like this, too
When Is It Time to End the Coaching Relationship?
By Maia Berens
A good coach is responsible enough to know that the life of a coaching relationship is not a lifetime. There is a natural end that both decide.
Are You Coachable?
By Maia Berens
Not everyone is right for coaching. If you don’t believe that you can learn and grow from life coaching than you won’t and you're wasting your money.
Thinking About Becoming a Life Coach
By Maia Berens
Life coach training schools and programs are everywhere all of the internet. What should I know before plunking down my money?